Does Mold Grow On…

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Does Mold grow on DRY WALL?
Does Mold grow on CONCRETE?
Does Mold grow on BRICK?

The answer to all of these is Yes!

Mold spores on a surface need very little encouragement to grow and thrive. With the smallest amount of moisture, nutrients and suitable temperatures, mold spores will germinate and mold will grow. Don’t be fooled that mold will not grow in the winter. We heat our homes and buildings in the winter and mold can grows in cold, uninsulated areas with low temperatures. Basements, exterior windows and walls, and closets are all popular places to find mold.

Mold derives food from its environment, living on dead organic matter that is typically unseen to the naked eye such as, paper, wood products, wallpaper adhesives, dead skin cells, and dust usually containing microscopic fibers.

Mold growth is more prevalent on porous materials such as dry wall and wood as there is more organic matter for feeding and sustaining life. Mold growth on concrete and brick typically grows more slowly but over time can cover large surface areas when a source of organic matter for feeding and living is still present. Humidity will boost likelihood of mold growth on concrete and brick when relative temperatures between the surface and the air are marginally different. Lack of sufficient air flow is a key factor in Mold growth.